The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook

The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook
The cookbook

Friday, July 17, 2015

English Farmhouse Scrambled Eggs and Bacon

Gilderoy Lockhart can’t seem to stop embarrassing Harry, wither its before the start of term or the first day of classes, when eggs and bacon are served for breakfast in the Great Hall.   Poor Harry, the forced breakfast chef at the Dursley’s, also serves bacon and eggs on Dudley’s birthday after being warned he better not burn it.

    Keeping with the breakfast theme for now, we made one of the Wizard bacon and eggs recipes, since once again we had all of the ingredients in the house.  We really wanted to have some pumpkin juice with it but pumpkins are not in season for a few more months.  So it will have to wait a few months for the juice to go with breakfast.

    Since the bacon has a tendency to spit hot grease, mom is the one that is cooking and I was the one to read directions and pass ingredients. 

     It really was quite simple.  Cook bacon, add eggs and cook more.

     As it was cooking I did think about Harry in the first movie, so small, standing at the stove and dishing up the bacon.  How did he keep grease from splattering on his glasses?  

     Now the recipe did call for English Cheddar cheese which is just white cheddar, but that was not what we had on hand.  So it does have the wrong cheese on it, but it still looks really good.

      With my cat Moonpaw watching me I tried some.  Wow was that good.  I like bacon, but I am not crazy about eggs.  Mixing them like this was really great.  The eggs didn’t taste so… well… eggy.  The bacon was Maple bacon and it just smelled wonderful!  Hours later and the kitchen still smell a bit like Maple.  I wonder if the Great Hall has the lingering smells of breakfast later in the day when the kids are in there doing lessons or special activities.  

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